Estudo confirma...

(nem de propósito) ...o que tenho vindo a repetir aos m/ alunos:

«European Union.
International study indicates multilingualism is positive for creativity and innovation.

A study commissioned by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (European Commission) on the links between multilingualism and creativity and innovation has recently been published. The study results conducted by an international team of researchers, covering all EU Member States, Norway and Turkey, indicate that multilingualism has a positive impact on human brain.

It shows, on the basis of a macro-analysis of other studies, that there is a link between speaking several languages and the ability to solve complex thinking processes. Moreover, the memory function benefits from the knowledge and use of multiple languages which in return can have a positive impact on global cognitive function. In particular, benefits were identified in relation to learning, complex thinking, creativity (imaginative activity), innovation (original and valuable new contribution to a system), interpersonal skills, mental flexibility and communication skills. Finally, it shall be noted that the study argues that multilingualism can be viewed as a phenomenon which can have a positive impact on regional innovation and economic growth.»

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